64) May 11-15: Zero day in Agua Dulce


May 16, day 47


Enjoyed our day off, had great meals, shopped, and took care of various other chores. Enjoyed a reunion with Downhill Mike, Matt, Nadine and her husband Russell, along with Stefan from Switzerland. A total of around 40 tents are pitched on the premises!


Hats off to the Saufleys, who enable and finance all this on their private property! Indeed, the place depends on the PCT. And hikers drop a fortune here.


Olli disposed of his wornout Brooks shoes and inaugurated the new ones by Altras, which were mailed here. Let's hope they deliver on their promises. The brand is one of the most popular trail shoes worn by PCT hikers. The old ones lasted just over 700 km. An expensive proposition ...


It rained off and on all day, unusual for this region, which normally doesn't get any rain at all from March through December! Climate change? Let's ask Trump ...
