120) Addendum to Vermillion Valley Resort (blog entry 118)


About 2 weeks ago, we had a wonderful reunion with Paint at the Vermillion Valley Resort on Edison Lake. We'd originally met Paint months ago, when he was working as a housekeeper at Hikertown. At the time, he'd told us he would be working as house maintainer and ferry captain at Vermillion Valley Resort later in the summer. We told him about our experiences to date, sharing an evening of music and whiskey. Next morning he drove us, along with a few other hikers, to the opposite end of Editon Lake. Back on trail - we love reunions!


At VVR, we also had a reunion with Slim, whom we first met months ago at Mike's Place in southern California, where he made delicious pizzas for the hungry hikers. He'd moved to the Vermillion Valley Resort over the summer. What a coincidence, to see h him here!


Photos: Link